1) Crocheting keeps your stress levels down by keeping your hands and heart busy (the love which shows through those hand-made gifts).
– Ég er svo sammála þessu! Ég gríp alltaf í hekludótið mitt þegar ég vill slappa af, er stressuð eða bara leiðist.
2) Crochet travels well. Bring those granny squares and put-together projects with you on long road trip, doctor visits, hospital stay (hope you don’t have many of those!).
– Ég er eiginlega alltaf með hekludót í töskunni. Hekla hvar sem ég fer. Nema í bílnum…verð bílveik af því.
3) Keep expenses down with gifts hand-made with love
– Veit ekki með það, garn er svo hræðilega dýrt.
4) Increase your home library with beautiful crochet books. If I live to be 150 years old, I could never make everything in all the books I have, but I love to just flip through and look at all the beautiful pictures.
– Ég á þrjár bækur só far, stefni á að kaupa mér fleiri fleiri fleiri!
5) Save for the future — collect crochet hooks. One day they’ll be worth more, right? Especially those wonderful wood hooks!
– Veit ekki hvort nokkur vill eiga mínar heklunálar. En mig langar ekkert smá til að kaupa mér fleiri!
6) Okay a silly one — When you get angry with your spouse or kids, you can throw yarn. It won’t hurt but they’ll know you’re pouting!
– ROFL! Hefur ekki enn gerst…en hver veit.
7) Crochet makes TV watching time seem less frivolous, after all you’re making something useful! AND you can search your favorite shows for crocheted item.
– Mér finnst enn voða gaman að horfa á sjónvarpið, en mér leiðist afskaplega ef ég er ekki með heklið mitt með.
8) Crocheting for charity helps others and helps yourself!
– Ég þetta enn eftir…markmið!
Annar listi yfir kosti þess að hekla.
Þessi er skrifaður af Casey sem er 12 ára heklari. Hún byrjaði að hekla þegar hún var 5 ára. Geri aðrir betur!
Why it’s Great to be a Crocheter
■ it helps with dexterity
■ it helps with eye & hand coordination
■ it helps with concentration
■ it increases math skills
■ it is relaxing to do
■ you can add it to other types of art
■ you can make stuff to give, or keep
■ you can do it with a brother, a sister, or friend
■ you can do it snuggled up with Mom or Grandma
■ and best of all, it’s fun!!